3d camera

Create 3D images by using standard Android camera. You don't need any additional equipment to create awesome 3D stereo photos. Turn your Android device to stereo camera. 3D glasses are not required, but you can purchase them in Ebay. Features: * Anima

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  • Create 3D images by using standard Android camera. You don't need any additional equip...
    3D Camera - Android Apps on Google Play
  • NEXCOM offers a new 3D camera solution with depth imaging to capture visuals like the huma...
    3D Camera - NEXCOM
  • 3D camera may refer to: Range camera, a device which produces a 2D image showing the dista...
    3D camera - Wikipedia
  • NEXCOM offers a new 3D camera solution with depth imaging to capture visuals like the huma...
    3D Camera - 新漢
  • Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about 3D Camera. D...
    3D Camera on the App Store - iTunes - Apple
  • Read our 3D Camera reviews and learn which is the best 3D Camera money can buy.
    3D Camera Reviews | Best 3D Cameras for 2017 - Gadget Review
  • 3D Camera是以紅外線投射特定圖紋到被測物體上,再利用一台IR攝影機裝置同步擷取其影像,然後經過影像特徵比對與運算處理後,可即時取得物體的深度影像資訊 ...
    3D Camera技術- 可移轉技術- 電子與光電系統研究所- 單位介紹- 工研院 ...
  • 2017年5月30日 - 運動攝影機大家早已耳熟能詳,但若是3D 版的運動攝影機呢?這項由台灣設計開發,在Kickstarter 推出並獲得募資成功的產品「SID 3D Came...
    3D 版本的運動攝影機:台灣SID 3D Camera,可錄製2880x1440 30fps ...
  • 3d+camera articles, stories, news and information. 3d+camera articles, stories, news and i...
    3d+camera 完整報導 - Engadget 中文版
  • Intel 想要透過最新的RealSense 軟硬體產品線「讓(人)與科技的互動更簡單,更自然與沉浸」,首先帶給我們世界首個整合3D 深度與2D 相機的模組,將可幫助裝置&nbsp...
    3d+camera 完整報導- Engadget 中文版
  • NEXCOM introduces a new series of 3D cameras based on time-of-flight (ToF) technology for ...
    BIC-251 - 3D Camera - NEXCOM
  • The All-In-One System starts with the Matterport Pro2 3D Camera. Effortless, high-resoluti...
    Matterport Pro2 3D Camera | Matterport
  • Fujifilm FinePix Real 3D W1, a digital stereo camera. In 2009, 3D technologies experienced...
    Stereo camera - Wikipedia
  • Which 3D camera is right for you? Take 60 seconds and easily compare 3d cameras with a sid...
    The Best 3D Cameras | Top Ten Reviews
  • ZED is a 3D camera that brings depth sensing, positional tracking and 3D mapping capabilit...
    ZED Stereo Camera
  • 還記得Windows 10上市記者會中的一個橋段,講者一個眼神就讓系統自動登入,還跟你說你好(Hello),聰明的讀者肯定知道這件事肯定不單純,原來又是WinTel霸主聯盟下的科技...
    淺談Intel RealSense 3D攝影機之應用與開發 嶄新角度 全新世界 ...
  • 3D列印在未來的應用範圍極大,3D人機互動也是人機介面的顯學。無論是影像呈現或是自然言的辨識,都希望藉由立體的方式達到更直覺且精準的結果。許多廠商都在努力克服3D應用中的每個環節。...
    降低3D列印門檻,Intel RealSense 3D Camera 讓 3 個月變 5 分鐘 ...